Sunday, May 2, 2010

This day started out well...

Or sort of. I do wish students would show up early for Yoga class, instead of driving me crazy having to enter everyone's data and credit cards, new students and everything right when class starts, so that we start 15 minutes late. That is not relaxing. But I did get to let off steam by taking a class afterwards. Then I came home, cleaned up a little, and got ready to teach again. I left early, as I usually do. I was in no hurry, but according to the cop who pulled me over for driving the same speed as everyone else on Brentwood Blvd., well she saw it differently.

I had to listen to her lecture about how my license plates will expire tomorrow, so I told her all about how the dealership that sold me my car forgot to send me the paperwork I would need to pay for my taxes and tags, and I didn't receive it until yesterday. Yes I'll get it taken care of and do it tomorrow. I'd already planned on it. I would have called the dealership to ask where my papers were, if I hadn't been what I now see was totally rattled by the threat to my job, and the harassment.

So I took my ticket and went home. Slower. With my only recently reemerging enthusiasm for life dampened yet again. But never fear Bound Lotus actually saved the day. That, and the tree pollen dropped significantly, allowing me to breath and sing. I guess, considering how pissy I am today, the theory of 'positivity' curing breathing difficulties, i.e., asthma, allergies, what have you is bogus. It WAS because the pollen dropped. Because I've been pretty pissed off at the world for a month now. With some rare and exceptional days. But of course, I must expect it with all these days of Bound Lotus dredging up old crap to be released.

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