Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bound Lotus On the Road

I did Bound Lotus this morning, and have finally stopped to rest just outside Chattanooga, on our way down to Florida for the Kundalini Winter Solstice Festival. Coming into the pose this morning was relatively easy, and the rest of the day was a pleasant journey down with Keith. We just listened to music, sang the Hanuman Chalisa, talked, and I was actually able to do a lot of yoga in the car. Krounchasana for one, and a lot of shoulder rolls and neck circles.

Once we reached the Tennessee border, I cried. I haven't seen Tennessee since I came down here in 1998 with someone that I can't say I hate, but... Near the ridge cut, the view of the mountains is so....beautiful!!! I think it is prettier, in some ways than driving along the coastline at Big Sur. I miss Tennessee, and all its Fireworks shops. One of Keith's friends called Chattanooga a deeply spiritual place, and someone else said that St. Louis is like the heart of the whole world, and it is having trouble opening. If St. Louis is the heart, then Chattanooga is the Hrit Padma.

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