Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Alchemy of Change

Something feels very different is as if a major blockage has been removed. I taught this morning, and people who I had not seen in a while came back. Keith was saying how we attract into our lives people who are dealing with the same issues. Three students were going through major or intense trials in their lives, just as I am.

I also took Keith's class for the first time in six weeks since I fell on my head. I was so amazed that my shoulders were very open by the end of the class, and I tried to do headstand. It came easily, but after I came down from it I felt a numbness on my crown. I don't think my spine is ready for it yet, but otherwise I feel as if I'm watching my body unfold from a cocoon of tightness. It will be interesting to see what my body can do after I regain my spinal curve, and what my mind can do after 90 days of Bound Lotus, let alone 1,000.

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