Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kundalini Yoga?

What does not destroy me makes me stronger. Even last fall I would never have been able to take a Power Vinyasa class, let alone teach one on the same day, much less do my own practice on top of it, AND come into full Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. I would have put myself in the hospital with that and broken out in a heat rash. It certainly is nice to have all this energy. And if I can get myself to do Bound Lotus early enough in the day, the energy I have is astounding! I just hope I can breathe long enough through the pollen season to enjoy the energy!

My dad sent me a list of 10 common sense things to do (or not do) while making it through allergy season. I said, would that be things like, for instance, not licking your pollen-covered car? Or not writing your name on your pollen-covered car with your finger, and then sticking said finger in one's eye? These are common sense things not to do, just like you shouldn't put on spats and a white glove, and then wiggle your hand in the glove, pretending to be a squid while underwater with a shark. Easy common sense in pollen season is NOT going outside or opening windows. It works fabulously better, and is infinitely easier than so-called 'positive thinking'. I also prefer being shut indoors to taking an assload of drugs, just so other people can have their windows open. Selfish. Ha ha!

Nothing like sarcasm and a little pretzel twisting to ease the day...

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