Saturday, April 3, 2010


As in Hyundai Accent. 2009 with 6'791 miles at purchase, 60 months and full warranty, GAP, front wheel drive for Winter. Yay!!!! Gunmetal gray and waaaay cuter than a Honda Fit, I think. I feel relief. My iPod has been updated, my iPhone will be soon, and eventually I will have a new vacuum cleaner and a computer! So wonderful! As for the allergies, taking Claritin. It is better than 5 years ago when I took Azmacort, Rhinocort, Advair, handfuls of Mucinex, used a Nebulizer, and made trips to the Emergency Room. Of course, that's not good enough for Sat Inder. Out of nowhere, he just turned into a snotty, mean asshole and told me that it was 'Interesting' when I simply said I would not be doing stuff outdoors for damage control to the respiratory system for a while. When I asked for clarification, the response I got was to be preached at, told how to live my life, and indoctrinated with Louise L. Hays and Abraham Hicks stuff. Then I made a smart ass comment back on Facebook to the effect of: "Oh Great Yogi of immense knowledge, may I bask in the fluidity of thy wisdom," with no reference to him directly, and mentioned elsewhere how annoying it is to be judged by New Agers who think that if you were just positive enough, all your problems will go away, and it was on. A long snotty e-mail from him, and snotty comments back and forth between both of us, until I was finally like (to myself): "You know, I no longer look up to him, nor do I want to talk to him, or take his class. His head is getting to big for his turban, and I want to enjoy purchasing my new car." So goodbye.

I LOVE this car!!!!!! I can't believe I got the loan myself! I can't believe I have a credit score of 772! How did that happen? No proof of income, no tax returns, just 5.99% financing, my trade-in Miata, $1'000 down, the keys and a smile. Did I mention stick shift? Did I mention it has air-conditioning??!!?! Which I haven't had for a week with the Miata, in the burgeoning Spring pollen season, since my garage quoted me a price close to my down-payment for A/C Compressor, Drier and Expansion Valve + new Oil Cover, so that mounting oil leakage would not destroy my spark plugs. Clearly a new car was the best decision. I assumed I still had bad credit, and was looking for co-signers and finding none.

Now, it doesn't matter since I found out I have exceptional credit, which allowed me to let go of a car that has been a liability for a long time. I am so grateful. I feel as if I have a new lease on life without those car worries. So releaved. And no worries about scratching my eyeballs bloody or coughing up a lung from driving around with the windows down. A new car, a little Claritin, avoiding Yoga classes with open windows for a few more weeks, a little Bound Lotus and some Yogi Yea, and Voila!

1 comment:

  1. You really put everything into place, girl. Only a few, like you, actually made an excellent credit record and processed a car loan without any hassle. Just take care of your car and make it look like new.

    Kerstin Shed
