Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Sword of Violet Flame!

When I think back to the time when I received my first Reiki attunement, I was also introduced to St. Germain and the Violet Flame. I see in my mind's eye, a sword of Violet Flame and fire. A Sword like the curved karpan of the Sikhs, who like many Pagans are not above physically defending their right to Truth. This Sword, this karpan, for me is a symbolic sword. It, along with an exercise from Amorah Quan Yin's "Pleidian Tantric Workbook" is what I will use to fight the demons in my mind, who drove me to accept ill-treatment by others. This Sword of Truth I am visualizing as I sing 'Jai Tegang', preparing for the 115th day of Bound Lotus. Next Tuesday will mark 120 days. A 'Victory of Saints'...I suppose (I say this with my tongue in my cheek).

Tonight, I'll be teaching my students to the strains of 'Jai Tegang' and a little GauraVani and their version of 'Krishna Murare' that makes me long to be in Ammachi's arms. Interesting that in a book on magickal names I find that 'Chi' is an African name for women meaning "helpful spirits". Much to my discomfort, because it affirms the Sikh name I don't like, if I succeed in forgiving the man who began our relationship with rape, it will be a victory of the saints, the helpful spirits of Ammachi and Yogi Bhajan, of St. Teresa of Avila, of Quan Yin, of St. Germain and the Angels of the Violet Flame...these beings I invoke every time I give Reiki or an attunement.

It feels wierd to own up to my intense devotion to spirit on the Bhakti singing path, that includes such New Agey concepts. Referring to works by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Amorah Quan Yin, is, in my mind, tantamount to being a bit kooky. All I know is...their exercises work! Next thing you know, I'll be an American Sikh who ALSO loves the Hindu gods and goddesses, and meditates to align with her gallactic interconnection with the Pleiades. Well on my way to being perceived by some as extremely wierd if not crazy!

But as Ammachi responded once: "When you are drunk on God you do not know what you are doing!" Excuse me while I go enchant myself with some 'ecstatic dancing', some Ananda Tandava, a la ancient Hindu practices, hippie dancing styles, Gothic club moves, and Gabrielle Roth's 'Dancing Path'. While I'm dancing the dance of destruction too, I'll wave my metaphorical sword to slash the demons in my mind like Durga, Kali and St. Germain. My whole apartment will be ablaze with astral Violet Flame to erase negativity and guilt, to cut down the demons of the mind and body.

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