Sunday, February 21, 2010

My spine is vibrating when I sing!

I can feel it on the 11th day of chanting the Aquarian Sadhana mantras, and especially during the 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ni Sa Ta Na Ma' meditation. Of course I don't feel it while doing Bound Lotus. Bound Lotus is getting really difficult to do again, and it is irritating me to do it; that means both that it is working and changing me, as well as that it makes sense too because I am nearing 120 days straight, which is the number of days to solidify the new habit gained at 90 days and make it your own...eventually Bound Lotus should feel as natural to do every day as brushing my teeth. I am supposed to get to the point where I would feel bereft just at the thought of not doing it. Right now, though, I feel that way, even though it irritates me. The peace I feel afterwards is indescribable!

But I am aware that I need to strengthen my third chakra, my navel center. If the navel center is weak, than the energy a person builds up can slip away as if there were a leak in a cup of water. That still happens to me to some extent. I used to be like a sieve - no energy stayed contained, and people could just drain me. I've been working on balancing the 1st and 2nd chakras, and that seems to be changing...interesting that at Kundalini Winter Solstice I seemed to be clearing stuff for both the Earth Tattva of the year before, and the Water Tattva of 2009. This year is the year of the Fire Tattva, then 2011 is Air Tattva (the 4th chakra; the heart), and 2012 is the year of the Ether Tattva (the 5th chakra and throat - historically my weak spot, hence all of the chanting and singing to strengthen it). God how I would love to be a singer traveling and giving concerts singing Kirtan and doing yoga!

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