Saturday, March 13, 2010

Too Much Ego In the Teaching of Yoga

If Yoga is truly a spiritual practice, where is all this competition and ego coming from? It's like we are all a bunch of rock stars and ego maniacs. Bosses putting on airs and talking down to their teachers. Playing one-upsmanship in terms of bragging about who has the least amount of time available to chit-chat because they are so busy teaching yoga, or whatever. Talking about how many years they've taught, how much more they know than you, and in that tone of condescension. Condescension everywhere! Hypocrisy too!

For one, when you talk and talk and talk about how important it is to think only positive thoughts and use positive words, what does it mean when you say to a student, "No, you dumb bitch." I don't care if there is no venom behind it, and it is 'only playing', or if said student 'says' she isn't offended...I saw the look on her face. She winced. For a split second, before she covered it up and smiled serenly. I'm all of for helping people rid themselves of 'trigger phrases' and hot buttons so that they can't be pushed...but really!

Ditto when teachers do things like tell a student how much more they know about yoga than the student, and how the student should therefore do what they say, while they are embarrassing the student in front of other students. Don't talk the talk. Walk the walk.

Ditto bosses trying to show how important their time is by feigning the inability to call you back, then getting upset when you yourself are actually really quite busy, and sending you snotty text messages to the effect of: "I'm not taking any more phone calls this evening, I need some silence. Goodnight dear." This is all after only recently having been trying to get in touch with you, and planning on talking. This is power-tripping because your employee is happening to have as busy as day as you claim frequently to have. And what's with this "dear" stuff?!? Unless you are Southern, referring to people as 'dear', 'darling', or 'sweetie' is questionably patronizing. Excuse me if I fired back to this particular boss: "That's fine. Take care sweetie." Don't call me dear.

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