Monday, March 15, 2010

Crying in Kirtan Kriya

Well that pretty much says it all. I sang the Mera Man Loche I realized that I had been so lost in the moment of doing Bound Lotus earlier, that it took me that long to realize how easily my shoulders had opened. As I chanted the So Purkh, I found myself certain that I have forgiven the man I am chanting it for... When I began chanting it I asked myself if I could chant it for the man who stalked me and abused me: I think so. I asked myself if I could chant it for the sex addict I dated a few years ago whose obsession sent me to the hospital in screaming pain: I think so. Oddly, when I asked myself if I could chant it for the skinny little pasty white pissant motherfucker who cast a spell on me, and totally creeped me out with his bookshelf of Anton LaVey and Konstantino books: I thought, and still think, "No, I hate that bastard!" Given time, maybe. If I can forgive a rapist, a cult stalker and abuser, and a sex addict, maybe I can forgive a Satanist eventually. We'll see. Anything is possible after the Ides of March are over.

1 comment:

  1. I apologize Hare krsna Hare krsna ..

    being of the left hand path also I ask forgiveness for what the atheistic egotistic satanist did to you ..

    i was also a satanist but has changed paths... I ask forgiveness with all my love ... For our delusions has caused you harm...
