Sunday, March 14, 2010

40 Days of Praanpathi Namo Namo meditation

Of course it goes without saying that I am still doing Bound Lotus. Yesterday and today. And yesterday I went to Guru Sandesh' class. The kriya was for 'Elimination'...both of physical as well as mental stuff. Then we meditated to the 'Humee Hum Bram Hum' mantra. As I left class, she said: "Sat Nam, Sweetie!" and I laughed because, even though she is not Southern, she is 20 years my senior, and she meant it to be kind. She's not 10 years younger than me and being a snot. So again, I laughed.

My lungs are pretty much clear, and I wonder if all of the coughing and trouble again in the last few weeks was due to my ego fighting the changes wrought with the Praanpathi Namo Namo meditation. It is meant to create and store prana at the juncture of C7 and T1, right where my spine was compressed, and to open the heart and shoulders. It has apparently done that. It feels so much easier to breathe and move my shoulders today...and with Sat Inder's help in class, more adhesions from the levator scapulae on my rib cage have been broken up. He calls himself an asshole yogi, and I'd agree he is an asshole, but a sweet and kind asshole. He fucks up sometimes just like the rest of us, and also is the fabulous person who can be very caring and giving.

Of course I deal better with assholes than bitches. Bitchy women (myself included) annoy the fuck out of me. While I am simultaneously feeling happy and still somewhat annoyed, it is nice to know that Yogi Bhajan, who appears to currently be my Guru from the Great Beyond, had a habit of occassionally cussing. I'm betting he didn't call anyone a dumb bitch (which quite frankly is a phrase I've used myself...just not out loud - so how does that make me better?), but he did call people idiots and nuts. We are all a bunch of big clueless idiots I guess. But nice idiots...

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