Monday, January 18, 2010

Dancing my demons away...

Yes. I did Bound Lotus...inbetween teaching three classes, my own practice, the Moon Kriya, the meditation to "Aadays Tisai Aadays", and sacking out on the couch, in my apartment that looks like Taz took a whirling dervish spin since I got back from Solstice. It is hard to keep up. Especially after three days of White Tantric Yoga in December put its foot in my behind, and then drop-kicked me into January. But as Mother Teresa said, "I am grateful for what I don't have." Such as all the misery and real sickness that lined my days from 1996-2007. I am grateful my apartment is still standing, my car drives, and I have 'Real' friends now. People I can actually trust to not treat me with kid gloves. That is it, mostly. I'm grateful I no longer I have friends who would allow me to be a stunted little bonsai tree. I'm grateful I no longer have 'so-called friends' who would manipulate circumstances to create my demise, or get me to be fat, or ruin my life or my job. I'm grateful I don't have anymore friends who would sleep with my boyfriend, and then justify it by saying they weren't dating him. I'm grateful, most of all, I think, that I don't have a boyfriend. I'm telling the universe really loudly right now: "I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE BEING SINGLE!" Mom, I say, tell the men to buzz off. Yay for being single! Yay! Yay! Yay! What a fabulously funky lifestyle. Single. It's like really good chocolate.

Yeah. So that is what I am really grateful for...that and being able to backdate this post I forgot to type yesterday. ;-P

Speaking of which, I just woke up at 5:05, believing I heard my alarm, which I did not set, because I don't have to today. Because today is really tomorrow. Heh. I guess in advance of Groundhog's Day! I almost rolled out of bed to go teach a 6:15 am class 'on the wrong day'. That's stress. That I have, and I am not grateful for it. I am grateful for my pillow, which I will now use to go back to sleep. Yay! Yay for sleep! If you can take the day off, I highly recommend it.

Later, I shall wake up again, renewed, refreshed, and actually ready to post for the 19th of January...

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