Sunday, January 17, 2010

Feeding One's Demons

...or the practice described by Tsultrim Allione, or what Gabrielle Roth suggests about dancing the Dark Mother's rhythm is no different than: Jungian analysis, The Tibetan Dance of the Chod, or 'Summoning Demons' to let them know who is in charge after successful completion of The Abramelin Operation in Western Magick (done long before Aleister Crowley got a hold of it - in Persia). This is all to lure the demons out of hiding, make peace with them, and let them know they can't run the show anymore; whereas before, the wreaked havoc in one's life like angry children tearing up the house.

When Gabrielle Roth talks about dancing to music to release your anger for spiritual growth by dancing to, for instance, Nine Inch Nails, or, for instance I thought of Stravinsky's 'Rite of Spring', Led Zeppelin's 'In the Evening' and 'Kashmir', or stuff by In Living Color, or Ministry, or FSOL's "My Kingdom" CD - none of which I've tried yet, but think I should. This is nothing more and nothing less than pulling everything out of the 'long black bag' we drag behind us that the poet Robert Bly talks about. The side of us that could wish someone death or misfortune can be brought out into the light, like luring cockroaches out of the house, so they can't wreak havoc anymore. But this way you aren't killing your demons, you are feeding them, luring them into the light, where they can be transformed.

The Kundalini set we did on Friday for releasing subconscious memories does this too...there are many ways to work this process. It is the process that the 13th c. Sufi (read: mystical Islamic sect) poet Jelaluddin Rumi talks about in his poem: "The Chickpea to the Cook"...the muck of the bubbling gelatinous mass of the Alchemist's Prima Materia is the same as Rumi's chickpeas, the same as lentils cooking for Mahkni Dal. Eventually, it turns into something beautiful. Like the silk moth wrapped essentially in vomit and putridness until the day it emerges into a state so far beyond what it ever dreamed possible. Essentially, for the New Agers out there: You can't get there from 'here', if here is only sweetness and light...without going through the darkness it is...

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