Sunday, November 8, 2009

Today Is a Good Day to Tie Myself Into a Pretzel

I was exhausted by the time I sat down to do Bound Lotus, but I managed to stretch first with the Spine Series stretches, and then sit as I have been for 10 min. in half lotus with opposite elbows clasped, forehead on two pillows, then 5 minutes in half bound lotus sitting up. Then the same on the second side. I felt very anxious for the last five minutes, and then just zoned out and actually fell asleep for a minute or two.

At the end of the practice I sit in seated forward fold, and then Savasana for 10 minutes. This time I fell asleep in Savasana for an hour, with a folded blanket under my thoracic spine, and my cervical spine arched. I felt fabulous!

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