Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pain is a great motivator...

I've had plenty of opportunity all day long to go into Bound Lotus. Did I? Nooooooo... I taught this morning, bought bacon chocolate for my frustratred friend and delivered it to her, worked on crocheting a shawl and some beanies for the Kundalini Winter Solstice Celebration, walked in the park on this fabulous 67 degree day, ate and did laundry. THEN, at 8:38 pm I finally sat down to Bound Lotus.

For the last week I've had relatively no pain in my neck, and so the primary motivator to do Bound Lotus as a reduction in pain is not there. However, Bound Lotus also reduces anxiety and tension, and after coming out of it I feel at peace. I also feel full of it would be better to do it earlier in the day, not right before I go to bed. Also, my neck itched quite a bit while in Bound Lotus, though once I chose to ignore it, the itching very quickly disappeared. That isn't always the case.

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