Monday, June 7, 2010

Going to Solstice Alone

I taught this morning, and my classes are dwindling, even though I am teaching better. Sat reminded me that when his style of teaching changed his class attendance dwindled for a while too...he said if they really like you, they'll come back. His class was wonderful! I got into a really fucked-up version of headstand that Edward Clark teaches, and it felt awesome!

Flying high on Yoga, I came home to have an hour-long drawn out conversation with the fellow I would have been driving to Solstice with...peppered with a "Weeeeeeeell..." everytime I asked a fucking question. It was so damned annoying. Then, I found out it isn't possible for him to drive 20 minutes down 70 to I-70 to Forest Park Parkway, just so I can leave my brand-spanking new car in the garage. But that, even though I can sort of see his side, isn't what really upset me. It is the WAY that he said "No", almost with anger in his voice, because I'd disagreed with him that my car would be safer here in a garage on a 24-hour camera than at his place.

That anger at such a simple thing, compounded with his immature behavior toward women since I've known him... Well, let's just say that I should have known better than to agree to ride with him. Ultimately I only have myself to blame. I knew what he was like, and I know he's really just being ignorant because he isn't ever going to get laid by me. Classic!

So, the man I love, and have loved more than anything, someone OTHER than this person, said to me, "What were you thinking?", and he is right. I just started packing, and then went to borrow that sweetie's backpack. Inside were a pair of sunglasses I had been missing from a trip we took years earlier, where I had been more than a pain, and he had been quite the gentleman at the time...though he had his bad days too. He just wasn't petty about it, like this guy.

Meanwhile, I get to drive alone, listen to whatever I like, stop and do yoga whenever I feel like it, and, most importantly, enjoy the drive, instead of enduring it. I don't have to be pressured by him one more time to read his book.

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