Friday, August 13, 2010

Pavęlle, Æmmash § a black cat

...from PVELL ...PALE ...Aleph & Shamain (not Shaman). Shamain for Heaven, and Aleph, as in the miraculous mystery of... On this 95th Day of Bound Lotus, this is where my mind is...on this egregore no different in purpose than the changes wrought by the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

My day was hard going, with my personal demons rebelling against the disciplinary measures I've undertaken since November 3rd, 2009, compounded by what they feel is cruel, unusual, and boring punishment derived from my binding them with many more Kundalini practices. Sometimes it feels like smoking the rats out of the house. Today felt like poo (likely due to a subterranean and DNA-inscribed superstition of Friday the 13th which, though my ego likes to believe it does not heed, my subconscious does...), until I chanced to have a conversation with Harry (as in Harold Roth), about all things magickal. I had occasion to do this when I placed an order for incense. Specifically the Faux Ambergris I used for scrying the sephira of Kether on the Tree of Life in 08', as well as Crowley's Tetragrammaton, La Belle Femme Love Oil for Aphrodite, Tagriel's 26th Mansion of the Moon incense, and Bone Flower Necromancy oil. This latter sounded deliciously infused with the essence of tuberose, like the tuberose I planted under an overpass on highway 55, to negate a vicious memory of personal torture at the hands of an aspiring Beelzebub impersonator, already previously documented as an ex of mine. That little 'expose' had me standing behind a cement wall, looking like Kilroy, but with a trowel and a garbage bag containing said plant.

So.. after two hours of discussing the merits of Kabbalistic magick, I got off the phone feeling much better, and twisted myself into Bound Lotus before setting out to teach Yoga. At the designated studio, I drove up to find sweet little Alexander, the black cat who frequents the studio, parked under the window, waiting to be let in. His furry, purring sweet self graced our practice, while I taught my recently named new poses: Santocha Vyaghrasana § Nighudanagasana...or 'Crouching Tiger' and 'Hidden Dragon'.

A lovely dinner after with my newfound friend Maria rounded out my evening, as we chatted like old girlfriends. Old girlfriends I've never had before in my life! So tell me Kundalini Yoga is not like magick? And tell me that magick doesn't work as I contemplate creating servitors to protect me as I sleep, from people who would like to fuck me, and whom I don't wish to fuck because I don't feel they love ME, just my energy. Tell me magick doesn't work on this -Friday the 13th - as I complete my entire Banishings, Invocations, Middle Pillar and Rose Cross Rituals to cut cords and protect after my request to be left alone was ignored.

I will be sleeping like a baby. Dreaming of black cats and Pavęlle § Æmmash.

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