Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Re-capping the benefits of 'Bound'

I began the practice three days after falling on my head from an acrobatic backbend...my head a foot in the air above the floor. My spine could have snapped. The pain became excruciating, and through the practice of Bound Lotus, I was able to avoid taking any pain killers. Early on, I knew my pain would lessen as soon as the practice was done for the day... I've watched my confidence grow from where it was practically buried alive to where I believe in myself and my capacity to give...

Bound Lotus has shown me that if I can get through severe anxiety attacks, nausea, dry heaving, gut-wrenching coughs, bronchitis, and so many tears I could barely breathe while doing it ~ then my body, mind and Spirit are stronger and vaster than I once believed.

Bound Lotus is like offering myself up as a present wrapped in the bow if Infinity, only to have the energy if the Cosmos, or God say: "Thanks for the gift, I give it back to you."

Bound Lotus every day fills me with the strength and the compassion to persevere against what seem to others to be insurmountable obstacles. If I can do Bound, I can be whole. If I am whole, I can help others become whole too. When my confidence flounders, just doing Bound brings it back!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent goal! I just completed 120 days of bound lotus yesterday. I'll be interested to follow your story and I continue my journey with this kriya.
