Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Late Start

At about 6:30 pm I sat down to begin the stretches and warm-ups for Bound Lotus. My back and neck hurt a lot. I feel again like a turtle shoved in its shell. I taught this morning at Lululemon and I really enjoyed it, then I did something stupid. I sat at the computer to place a Vistaprint order and work on this blog. My neck got stiff again. Then I walked in the park on this gorgeous 78 degree day. Neither of these things were the problem, though, it appears that before I can do anything else besides Yoga, I need to do Bound Lotus. This practice takes the pain away.

So, I sat the same way I did yesterday, but I felt a little tighter. Each day is different. I can now sing the Ray Man Shabd from memory, and believe me I sing! It's the only way to distract myself. I finished with a lot of the pain I'd endured for the day gone. If this practice removes the pain, and it is 6 days since the injury, what would the pain have been like if I had not done it? I doubt I would have been able to function without pain killers as I have...

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